Wednesday, March 7, 2007

In-Class Assignment:This I Believe

Each individual in a community should be concerned about the enviroment. Walk outside and look around your house. Drive through your town with a watchful eye. Take a trip to the country and head down a gravel road.
When you walk outside breath the air. Is it fresh or does it smell like car exhaust? Buy a car with low emissions. The yard should be free of trash. Leaves and grass clippings picked up. Old car batteries can be recycled along with aluminum cans. If the community offers a recycling center take full advantage of it. These places will take newspapers, empty plastic containers, aluminum cans and glass bottles.
Keeping your town beautiful is your responsibility. Ride a bike instead of driving a car. Take the dog on a walk and clean up after him. Volunteer to pick up trash at the local park. Organize a group to clean trash out of road ditches.
Ask every neighbor on the block to chip in and rent a huge dumpster. These companies deliver and pick it up. Each neighbor can clean their yard and empty the garage. Next have a community garage sale and donate the money to a favorite charity.
Driving in the country is a wonderful way to spend the day. Take a couple of trash bags with you. Pick a road ditch to walk down and fill your trash bag. You will amazed at the things you will find. Do this once a month and the sense of accomplishment is great. Call farmer and volunteer to clean out the chicken house. Haul the manure to town and spread it on gardens. Scoop horse manure out of the barn and use it on roses and other flowers.
If each person takes the time and makes an effort to clean up our community our enviroment will benefit. Fresh air, clean yards and road ditches is just a start. We should encourage all of our friends to pitch in and help make the community a better place.

Major Topic Assignment: Learning Profile

In this essay I will talk about what I learned in student connect class and what it brought to me. I will talk about my strenghts and weaknesses in school and in the community . I will also talk about how I connect to the public and other peoplefor the first time.

My Alalysis of this semester of learning is that I have to think more open minded. It's like I have to put the topics in my own words to produce the assignment. My strengths as a learner is to listen to the teacher and comprehend what they're saying. My strenghts is school are health and public speaking at least I think I do well in health and speech classes. I thinkwhat would help a new student in this class is to pay attention and take notes when you can. Helping new students is not a easy thing to the biggest tip is to get adjusted to the school and the people in it. Then start to adjust to the teachers then every thing should roll down hill from there. Use the butler web site I thought it was very useful tool to my sucessful career in butler.

My learning weaknesses are reading comprehension, and speed reading. But student connect helped to better my reading skills. The speed reading program has kicked my reading level up heigher than it was. So far public speaking has taken the longest to do all the work and typing the essays and then presenting them. But my teacher in that class is a good teacher and teaches me well. The health class is alright but time consuming the teacher in there doesen't give alot of home work but he's really hard to follow. The tests in that class are long and boring but that's why I take alot of notes. The class isn't really that terrible if you can follow along and pay attention to what he's saying.

I came into this class not knowing what it was going to be about but it turned out to be alright. This class has done alot for me it taught me how to use the butler web site and the uses of it. Some of the uses I found was which was great for looking up info on any subject I was on. Another on was which was also very helpful in my learning and easy to use. Student Connect helped me learn info about computers I didn't know about. This class taught me how to use computers to my advantage in looking for subjects and topics to write about. Of course this is a required class but with out it I would have missed out on alot out learning. I really like this class and all of the students in the class.

The merits I thought were revelent were the topic that I discussed in the third paragraph. The computer skill I learned was very useful in my public speaking class. The blogger site that we learned to use was very helpful too. learning how to post information where everybody can see what I'm writing and what I care for. I thought the blogger was going to be a waist of my time but I'm glad I gave it a chance it is another very useful tool. Some of the topics that we covered on blogger like the gay kid from three hours away in a big city. It's just not me to talk about a gay person I don't go that way so I don't know. That was one of the topics I didn't feel to strongly about or cared for.

I feel that there were some topics that we covered that I didn't feel to srongly about, and I felt that we should have dropped them. Some of the major topics I didn't feel to strongly about and felt should have made some changes to the topics. The topics I didn't like was acidemic plan assignment I know it's for me and about telling my future but it was kinda hard to write about because I don't know my future. Some topics that I think that could have been added is the enviroment and how to keep it clean. Because the enviroment that we live in is most important to our health and our physical wherabouts. The time management assignment was the most important to me. Nothing means more to me than using my time wisely and getting the most benefit form it.

I think this course wasn't that bad I thought it was just long and drawn out. I think to survive this course is to come to class and stay awake when possible. This course was fine if could do all the work at the end of the course. This class is simple if you know how to attend the classes and do your work. I thought this was a fun class to go to and not that complicated to pass this course. The best thing to do to keep your sanity in this class is to bring your Mp3 player and listen to music. I didn't mind the class but I was taking notes or on my cell phone texting. I think trying to stay awake was the hardest part of the class and to follow along. The sign i would hang would be don't fall asleep and follow along in class.

I would like to reflect back on the experiences in the student connect that I learned. Using the blogger will really help me organize events that take place in my life. The blogger I think to me is a journal to write any thing that happens in my life as in school. Student Connect really helped me connect to the surrounding enviroment of people and school and how to try to make it better for me and other students. I thought this class was fun and intertaining to interact with complete strangers that I've never seen before. the learning skills to interact with stranger will help me for the rest of my life. The experience I learned in class was very intertaining and fun.

Major Topic Assignment #4: Butler Resources

First, I would advise him to check into Butler's peer tutoring service.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Major Topic #6 Academic Disonesty

Every college student wants to do their best. Turning in high quality work is difficult. It takes research, time and hard work. The pressure to do better than fellow students is tremendous.
Parents put pressure on the students without meaning to. A lot of money is being invested. Students not making good grades may be inclined to cheat just a little to make a better grade. If it works the first time it is more tempting to try again. Soon it becomes a difficult habit to break.
There are so many ways to cheat. The Internet is a large temptation and difficult to trace. Borrowing a fellow students test papers or even purchasing papers from individuals on the Internet is a bad habit.
Before doing any cheating students should stop and think. The consequences could be failing a class or even worse being kicked out of school.
Being honest is a quality employers look for. A college student will be employed one day and they should remember what they do in college will reflect on any career the might choose for themselves.

Major Topic #5 Community Service

How do you feel about second hand smoke? It is becoming difficult to find a place to smoke a cigarette. The majority of the population encourages our law makers to keep introducing stricter laws on smoking bans. Their goal is to have all public places free of cigarette smoke.
This is a step towards cleaning up our enviroment. Decreasing the amount of lung cancer patients and other diseases linked to smoking.
Keeping our community safe from careless fires. Smokers go to sleep with lit cigarettes and catch their houses on fire. These people put themselves and their loves ones at risk. Cigarettes tossed out car windows that are not extinguished have burned countless acres, houses, buildings and killed livestock.
If more people would quit smoking the air we breath would be cleaner. The whole population would be healthier with less lung cancer and other related diseases. Please encourage all smokers to quit a terrible habit and better our community.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Major Topic Assignment #2 Time Management

Time management for me is hard to talk about. Time management is work first everything is behind it except family. But my family is all about work and not much play. All I like to do is make money and drive my powerstroke. It's best for me just to drive my truck and make money at the same time. School for me is third because I have to make the money so I can go to school. Which this year for four classes was eight hundred bucks. It was hard for me to make money to pay for my pick-up and classes out here at the college. I don't think I manage my time badly I do everything in a timely manor. I work seven days a week some times 8:00A.M to 4:00A.M. in the morning. In high school I didn' t work near as hard as I do in college because I got a nice vehicle and expensive schooling.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Major Topic Assignment #1 Coping With Change

My biggest change was this summer, where I was all relaxed and had nothing to worry about. Until januay 12 thats when school started for me. You know how it is when you've went for three or four month with out having a worry in the world. Then bam there school, school ain't bad but I've never been to this school. High Schoool wasn't bad because I knew everybody and I knew all the teachers. But I started out here at butler and I didn't know anybody. That wasn't all so bad. But before I got to go here I had to lay down a grand before they let me in. Then if you skip class the teachers don't care they got their money. They could care less if you show or not. Then if you fail the class you have to take it over again and pay to pass it. But I guess I gotta do what I gotta do since I'm in college. But I'm still trying to adjust to the atmosphere of the school. There's alot of people out here thats hard for me to adjust to in four or five weeks that I've been here for.